Geoffrey J. Cannon
Founding Partner
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What’s on your bucket list?
More travel, which I haven't done a lot of lately due to COVID. I'd love to go on a river cruise in Europe and hike in Yellowstone National Park. Ditto for rafting the Colorado River in the Grand Canyon and snorkeling in the Cayman Islands.
What is or are your guilty pleasure(s)?
Eating way too much popcorn during a good movie. Also spending as much time as I can with our granddaughter Lily — although I guess I shouldn't feel too guilty about that!
Something else I think you should know about me...
I still really enjoy a good rock concert!
Areas of Practice
Affordable Housing & Community Development
Historic Preservation
New York Practice
Law School
Albany Law School, J.D., 1988
Syracuse University School of Management, B.S., 1980
NYS Bar Association Committee on Low Income and Affordable Housing – Real Property Law
Section American Bar Association Forum on Affordable Housing and Community Development Law
New York